An American actor, is renowned for his impressive contributions to both film and television. Notably, he gained widespread recognition for his portrayal of the character nicknamed Deep Throat in the iconic television series, The X-Files. Born in Texas, Hardin honed his acting skills at London's prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art before embarking on his career in New York.
Industry: Services Not Elsewhere Classified
Press Releases By Jerry Hardin
Austin, Texas — Global Who's Who proudly announces the inclusion of Jerry Hardin in its prestigious directory, spotlighting accomplished professionals who have left an indelible
Austin, Texas - Global Who's Who proudly announces the inclusion of Jerry Hardin in its esteemed directory of accomplished professionals. With a diverse range of talents and a prol
Hardin's career spans several decades, with his television appearances dating back to the 1950s. He has captivated audiences with his versatile performances in character roles across a wide range of genres. By the early 1990s, he had accumulated over a hundred television appearances, complemented by more than seventy-five theatrical credits by the 1960s.
About: An American actor, is renowned for his impressive contributions to both film and television. Notably, he gained widespread recognition for his portrayal of the character nicknamed Deep Throat in the iconic television series, The X-Files. Born in Texas, Hardin honed his acting skills at London's prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art before embarking on his career in New York.
Industry: Services Not Elsewhere Classified
Current Organization: Jerry Hardin\ Actor
Specialty: Actor Entertainment
Affiliations: AFTRE (Association of Film, Television, and Radio Artists), SAG (Screen Actors Guild), Actors Union,